The Charmed Silver Spring Bungalow

Walking through my neighborhood in North Woodside, or when I’m out and about driving, it is often the bungalow’s charm that gives me pause, imagining what the inside looks like, admiring how nice the outside is. I asked my good neighbors what it is like to live in their 1920s Craftsman-style bungalow. [sponsored]

Demand for Homes Exceeds Supply

You’ve probably been a part of a housing market conversation where you’ve heard “inventory is low.” Here are the numbers for the supply of homes and the demand (buyers looking for homes), compared to last year. [sponsored]

So Your Dog Wants a Yard…

Buying your first home is a very exciting time in your life and for your dog. But for now, let’s focus on you. Building equity through home ownership is without a doubt the way to go. [sponsored]