You Get What You Pay For — Use Well-Paid Maids!

You get what you pay for. It’s a tough lesson, but most people learn it sooner or later. It’s true for your home, it’s true for your car, and it’s true for your cleaning service.

Most cleaning companies offer bargain-basement discounts and do everything they can to cut costs. They hire contractors, not employees. They cram tons of appointments into each day.  They pay low wages with no benefits.

Not surprisingly, their cleaners are overworked, underpaid, and stressed out. The end result is to be expected—hurried and lackluster cleanings by people who hate their jobs. If you want a truly clean home, you need to hire a company that treats its employees well.

That’s where Well-Paid Maids comes in. We are the D.C. area’s first and only living-wage home cleaning service. All of our employees make at least $17 per hour and receive a full benefits package, including 22 paid days off per year, health, dental, and vision insurance, 100% employer-paid short-term disability insurance, 100 percent employer-paid commuting costs, unemployment insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance.

Not only is it the right thing to do, it means we employ the happiest, hardest-working folks in the business. Book a cleaning today and see the difference a living wage makes.

Photo by JD Hancock

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