Well-Paid Maids Celebrates International Domestic Workers Day

June 16 is International Domestic Workers Day, and Well-Paid Maids is celebrating!

International Domestic Workers Day honors house cleaners, nannies and care workers. It marks the anniversary of the 2011 passage of the International Labour Organization Convention that established international labor laws for domestic workers.

This was a major step in the right direction — but there’s still work to do. In the DMV area alone, the median hourly wage for cleaners is just $14.85, according to the BLS.

Plus, many cleaning companies intentionally misclassify employees as contractors, which doesn’t allow them to qualify for programs like unemployment, disability, workers’ comp, and paid family and medical leave.

But Well-Paid Maids is determined to make a change with its living-wage model. Not only are cleaners properly classified as W-2 employees, but they’re also offered:

  • A $24/hour starting wage
  • 4 subsidized insurance plans (health, dental, vision and life)
  • 24 paid days off per year
  • 100% employer-paid commuting costs
  • And more.

To support Well-Paid Maids’ mission, book your home cleaning today.

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