Rally Supporting Diversity, Inclusion Planned in Silver Spring

Graphic courtesy of Montgomery County. Montgomery County is sponsoring a Silver Spring rally titled “Stand Up for the Montgomery Way” Nov. 20 to reaffirm “the values of diversity, inclusion, and respect for all that have made Montgomery County special,” according to a flyer circulated by the Public Information Office. The rally will be held from 2:30-3:30 p.m. at Veteran’s Plaza … Read More

Leaf collections to begin next week

Posters will announce the planned date(s) of leaf collections in individual neighborhoods. Photo by Mike Diegel. Posters have begun appearing in Silver Spring neighborhoods announcing the annual vacuum leaf collection, which will begin Nov. 7. The county plans two rounds of collections, with a third one possible if needed. The leaf vacuum collection district is defined by I-495, I-270, the … Read More

Early Voting in Silver Spring ends tomorrow

Early voting photo from Wikipedia Tomorrow is the last day for early voting in the general election at the county’s 10 early voting locations, including the Silver Spring Civic Building. “As of close of early voting on Nov. 1, we had 114,116 registered voters vote,” said Marjorie Roher, public information officer for the Montgomery County Board of Elections, “which is … Read More