Hug Lounge Now Open on Bonifant Street

Hug Lounge is now open at 949 Bonifant St., the former location of Pennyworth Thrift Shop, according to the company’s website. The menu largely consists of Ethiopian cuisine, with breakfast offered along with smoothies and several fish dishes.

County Now Fully Reopened as of 6 a.m. Today

Montgomery County is now fully reopened, with all local health orders and their restrictions lifted as of 6 a.m. this morning. There are no longer any county pandemic-related limits on capacity or distancing, though residents are still subject to certain requirements from the state.

Parks to Ask for Extension of Directive Allowing Alcohol in Certain Parks

The county’s Planning Board will be asked to renew the Temporary Suspension of Alcohol Prohibition in Designated Parks at the commission’s Thursday, May 27 meeting, according to a press release from Montgomery Parks. The temporary directive was part of a pilot program enacted on Sept. 24, 2020, which suspended the prohibition of alcohol in nine Montgomery Parks, which is set to expire May 31.