Complaints Against Takoma Park Police Increased in 2023, According to Report

Takoma Park Police received a total of 11 complaints in 2023, according to an Internal Affairs Complaint Investigations report (PDF) issued this week.

Police spokesperson Cathy Plevy said that the Takoma Park Police Department’s policy requires investigations into all complaints against the Department or its employees and that annual statistical summaries of these investigations by the internal affairs function will be accessible to the public.

Among the 11 complaints, two were considered unfounded, and one led to a written reprimand. Internal investigations were conducted for five of the complaints, while administrative investigation reviews were carried out for the remaining seven. Residents lodged four of the complaints, while police department employees internally filed the other seven. These complaints implicated 10 sworn officers and four civilian employees. Following investigations, it was determined that two complaints involved officers’ improper conduct. Disciplinary action is pending for one case after an administrative hearing board review.

Performance counseling was provided to employees in response to four complaints. Three complaints are still undergoing investigation.

Additionally, the department received two online compliments.

In 2022, six complaints were registered. Throughout 2023, officers were engaged in a total of 12,675 service calls, self-initiated calls, and traffic stops.

Residents can find details on how to make a complaint against a police employee on the Takoma Park Police Department’s website. Information is also provided on flyers at the police department’s lobby for public access. Complaints and compliments can be submitted online.

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