Police: Refrain From Reserving Public Road Parking

Residents of Takoma Park are urged not to save parking spaces on public roads, according to an email from police spokesperson Cathy Plevy:

Recently, the City of Takoma Park Police has received complaints about residents attempting to reserve parking spaces on public roadways. We would like to remind all residents that the practice of reserving public spaces, such as parking spots, counters the principles of fair and equal access to public amenities.

Public roadways are shared spaces that belong to the entire community, and all residents should respect and adhere to their use. The police department has received reports of cones being used to reserve parking spaces. By engaging in such activities, residents contribute to the inconvenience and frustration of others in the community.

To ensure the fair and equitable use of public roadways, the city urges all residents to refrain from attempting to reserve parking spaces. Instead, residents are encouraged to utilize legal parking options available to them and to respect the needs of their fellow community members.

We understand that parking can be challenging, however, it’s crucial that we all work together to create a community that values fairness and cooperation.

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