Printmaking for Teens

Learn the art of printmaking in this class that focuses on printmaking methods that can be done at home without a press. Explore a variety of techniques including block printing, collagraph printing, and trace monotypes. Throughout the class, you will create several small projects as you build an understanding of overall printmaking techniques, and will work on a larger project … Read More

Printmaking for Teens

Learn the art of printmaking in this class that focuses on printmaking methods that can be done at home without a press. Explore a variety of techniques including block printing, collagraph printing, and trace monotypes. Throughout the class, you will create several small projects as you build an understanding of overall printmaking techniques, and will work on a larger project … Read More

Printmaking for Teens

Learn the art of printmaking in this class that focuses on printmaking methods that can be done at home without a press. Explore a variety of techniques including block printing, collagraph printing, and trace monotypes. Throughout the class, you will create several small projects as you build an understanding of overall printmaking techniques, and will work on a larger project … Read More

Advanced Family Pottery Session 2

Spend some quality time as a family by taking your pottery skills to the next level with more advanced pinch pot, slab and coil projects using new hand-building techniques. Adult participation and previous experience in Family Pottery with CREATE are required. Fee includes participation for 1 child and 1 adult. Class meets for 5 sessions. All materials and firing are … Read More

Advanced Family Pottery Session 2

Spend some quality time as a family by taking your pottery skills to the next level with more advanced pinch pot, slab and coil projects using new hand-building techniques. Adult participation and previous experience in Family Pottery with CREATE are required. Fee includes participation for 1 child and 1 adult. Class meets for 5 sessions. All materials and firing are … Read More

Advanced Family Pottery Session 2

Spend some quality time as a family by taking your pottery skills to the next level with more advanced pinch pot, slab and coil projects using new hand-building techniques. Adult participation and previous experience in Family Pottery with CREATE are required. Fee includes participation for 1 child and 1 adult. Class meets for 5 sessions. All materials and firing are … Read More

Advanced Family Pottery Session 2

Spend some quality time as a family by taking your pottery skills to the next level with more advanced pinch pot, slab and coil projects using new hand-building techniques. Adult participation and previous experience in Family Pottery with CREATE are required. Fee includes participation for 1 child and 1 adult. Class meets for 5 sessions. All materials and firing are … Read More

Advanced Family Pottery Session 2

Spend some quality time as a family by taking your pottery skills to the next level with more advanced pinch pot, slab and coil projects using new hand-building techniques. Adult participation and previous experience in Family Pottery with CREATE are required. Fee includes participation for 1 child and 1 adult. Class meets for 5 sessions. All materials and firing are … Read More

Family Pottery Session 2

Spend some quality time as a family exploring the world of clay! Whether your clay creations are purely decorative or practical pieces, you’ll treasure the time you spend working both independently and as a family. Explore clay construction (pinch, coil, and slab — all hand building; no wheel), and various glaze finishes. Projects are fired in a kiln on our … Read More