Council approves measures to regulate short-term rentals

Graphic from Wikimedia Commons. Short-term rentals including bed and breakfast uses will be licensed and regulated under the terms of two unanimous actions taken by the County Council this week. Zoning Text Amendment 17-03, Accessory Residential Uses–Short-term Rentals, will permit short-term rentals in most residential and mixed-use zones under services such as Airbnb, Home Away and others. under these conditions: … Read More

Upcoming Events, Oct. 11-19

Upcoming Events

Illustration from FiveStone Church Wednesday, October 11 “Crime Prevention Basics” seminar, 3rd Police Precinct, 1002 Milestone Dr., 7 p.m. Immigration Reform: Gandhi Brigade Documentary Premiere and Community Conversation, Cultural Arts Center, Montgomery College, 7995 Georgia Ave., 7:30 p.m. Thursday, October 12 Silver Spring Transportation Management District Advisory Committee monthly meeting, Discovery Communications, 8 a.m. “The Old Man and the Sea,” afternoon book … Read More

Commission to hold hearing on possible charter revisions

Montgomery County photo The county will hold a public hearing on possible revisions to the county’s charter at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 18 in the Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Ave., Rockville. The charter is the legal basis for county government. Current law calls for an 11-member Charter Review Commission to be appointed every four years to consider possible amendments … Read More