Council Approves Another $5 Million in COVID-19 Funding for Local Restaurants, Retailers

The County Council unanimously approved another $5 million in funding for the Public Health Emergency Grant program to assist local restaurants and small retail shops during the COVID-19 emergency. The special appropriation is in addition to the $5 million reserved for those businesses as part of the original $20 million appropriation that created the program.

State Modifies Senior Call Program for COVID-19 Emergency

The state’s Department of Aging has modified its Senior Call Check program to include call-ins to provide updates of pertinent information during the COVID-19 emergency. Seniors can call 1.866.502.0560 from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday-Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. to be connected to updates and available resources.

County Accepting Applications for COVID-19 Emergency Grants

The county is now accepting applications from county businesses and nonprofit organizations for the Public Health Emergency Grant program established to assist them during the COVID-19 emergency. The program is designed to provide up to $75,000 in assistance to eligible entities that can demonstrate a “significant financial loss.”

Bill Would Prohibit Residential Rent Increases During COVID-19 Emergency

Landlords would not be permitted to increase residential rents during the COVID-19 emergency under the terms of a bill introduced yesterday by Councilmember Will Jawando (D-At Large). Expedited Bill 18-20, Landlord-Tenant Relations – Rent Stabilization During Emergencies (the COVID-18 Renter Relief Act) also would prevent rent increase notices for 30 days after the emergency ends.

Face Coverings Now Required for Certain Employees, Customers During COVID-19 Emergency

Employees and customers of certain retail outlets in the county are now required to wear face coverings during the COVID-19 emergency, according to a health order issued by Travis Gayles, M.D., the county’s health officer. The order, effective today (April 13), covers grocery stores, pharmacies and large chain retailers (“big-box” stores), as well as farmers markets.

Council Seeks Comment on Plan to Require Face Coverings During COVID-19 Emergency

The County Council is looking for public comments on a plan to require employees and customers of essential businesses to wear face coverings during any interactions under the COVID-19 emergency. The council yesterday announced its intention to introduce the measure as an emergency Board of Health regulation during a virtual meeting on Tuesday, April 14.

Timebanking in Times of Social Distancing

Timebanking was created to connect people in order to help one another, increasing community well-being. But this is an unusual moment in time. The highly contagious coronavirus has become a pandemic.  How can we stay connected when we need to stay away from each other? How can we support others while keeping to social distancing guidelines, self-isolating, or even when in quarantine?