Patterson Reappointed to Second Term on Planning Board

The County Council has reappointed Commissioner Tina Patterson to the Montgomery County Planning Board for a second term, recognizing Patterson’s experience in alternative dispute resolution, commitment to economic development and the parks system, as well as her work on racial equity and social justice issues.

“Ms. Patterson is committed to affordable, attainable housing and access to reliable transportation for all residents,” said Council President Tom Hucker (D-District 5) in a press release. “Her values are matched by her professional background and expertise. For all those reasons, we look forward to having Ms. Patterson’s leadership on the Planning Board for another four years.”

Patterson owns a management consulting firm in Germantown. For more than two decades has been involved in advocacy, education and outreach on topics related to human and women’s rights. She is also a former member of the county’s Human Rights Commission. In 2021 she was one of 15 public leaders nationally selected to participate in the Public Leaders for Inclusion Council 2021 cohort organized by America Indivisible.

During her first term on the board, Patterson was a contributor to the Bicycle Master Plan, the Subdivision Staging Policy update, now titled the Growth & Infrastructure Policy, the Shady Grove Minor Master Plan Amendment, the new Wheaton Headquarters building and the update to the county’s General Plan – Thrive Montgomery 2050. In addition, she’s been an advocate for the Josiah Henson Museum.

“I congratulate Tina on her reappointment,” said Planning Board Chair Casey Anderson in a separate release. “I look forward to continuing to work with her as we plan for our community’s future. We share a strong commitment to improving the use of data and information technology in all aspects of our work, and I especially appreciate her recognition of the importance of strengthening cybersecurity capabilities across the commission.”

Planning Commission photo

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