County departments unveil “I Take It Personally” campaign

The program includes ads on busses. Montgomery County photo via Flickr.

The Montgomery County Police Department and Department of Liquor Control, in partnership with Dryver and Lyft, this week unveiled the “I Take It Personally” campaign.

The campaign is an effort to combat drunk driving and encourage residents not to over-consumer alcohol. It also targets establishments serving alcohol to remind them to avoid over-serving their customers.

“The campaign will include messaging on busses, bus shelters, and within the 27 county liquor stores and private establishments serving alcohol over the summer months, through September 2017.

“Police officer-themed fliers will also be distributed in retail establishments, law enforcement agencies, and other County public facilities such as libraries, recreation centers, and Regional Services Centers,” according to a press release.

Residents who over-indulge over the Fourth of July holiday can get a free Lyft ride (up to $15) from the SoberRide program within the Washington metro region. The offer is good for the first 1,500 to use the code SOBERJULY4.

SoberRide will run from 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 4 to 2 a.m. the next morning, and riders must be 21 or over to qualify.

Lyft, which offers rides on demand, is also offering customers $5 off the first three rides.

The Dryver program provides professional drivers to drive a customer’s vehicle for them using screened and insured employees who have more than 10 years of driving experience

Hourly driver services range from $14-$19.50 an hour (depending on location) and car pickup services are $25 plus mileage. The program is offering $20 off a first-time use of their service.

The campaign includes messages cautioning against over-indulging or over-serving. Montgomery County photo via Flickr.

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Montgomery County Takes Step Toward Digital IDs for Alcohol Purchases
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