County Releases Balancing Act Tool to Gather Budget Input

The county’s Office of Management and Budget has released “Balancing Act,” a new online tool designed to gather additional public input in the FY20 budget process now underway.

The tool is an interactive simulation of the county’s estimated income sources and expenditures for FY20. Examples of incoming revenue include income, property and other taxes, state and federal aid contributions, and other sources.

The estimated expenditures are listed in categories including the school system, “Thriving Youth and Families,” “A Growing Economy,” “A Greener County” and other themes developed by the county executive’s office.

Balancing Act users can add or subtract funds from each category and immediately see a reflection of how the changes affect the budget; the goal is to achieve a balanced budget.

“This interactive experience will give residents a chance to experience the tough decisions made each day to keep our government operating,” said OMB Director Richard Madaleno in a press release. “It also gives us a chance to have a greater understanding of what’s important to residents as we make the decisions that impact them.”

OMB is sponsoring free Interactive Budget Development Forum for the public to learn about the tool. The forum will be held on Monday, Feb. 11, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Executive Office Building cafeteria (terrace level) at 101 Monroe St. in Rockville

The county is requesting that attendees register for this event here.

Screenshot taken from portion Balancing Act tool.

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