Fire at Twin Towers Apartments Caused by Electric Scooter

An electric scooter ignited a fire at the Twin Towers apartment complex in downtown Silver Spring on Friday afternoon, according to Montgomery County Fire and Rescue spokesperson Pete Piringer.

The scooter’s lithium-ion battery malfunctioned while charging, which ignited the blaze.

Piringer said a resident was in their bathroom and heard loud pops & explosions coming from the living room, where the resident’s electric scooter was charging. The resident was burned while attempting to move the scooter, which was on fire.

The residents of two apartments in the building were displaced, while the remainder of the building was able to reenter.

Fire sprinklers are not present in the building, according to Piringer. Battalion Chief James Carpenter said that the fire’s damage is estimated to be $50,000.

Photo: “Twin Towers – Silver Spring” by Farragutful is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

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