County Announces Veterans Day Schedule

The county has announced its holiday schedule for Veterans Day on Monday, Nov. 12.

All county offices will be closed on Veterans Day, as will libraries (also closed on Sunday), state offices and courts.

Trash and recycling pickups will run on the usual schedule, and the Shady Grove Processing Facility and Transfer Station will be open.

Aquatic and recreation centers will open as scheduled, while administrative offices and senior centers will be closed.

The schedule for park facilities varies and is available here.

The TrIPS Commuter Store in Silver Spring will be open, but the Mobile Commuter Store will not operate on Monday. Ride On will operate on a modified schedule. Parking at public garages, lots and street meters will be free.

Check WMATA for Metrobus and Metrorail holiday-related information.

Finally, all county liquor stores will be open normal hours.

Know of any other holiday closings? Tell us in the Comments.

Photo from Public Domain Pictures.

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