WSSC Water Urges Essential Water Use Amid Surge in Main Breaks

WSSC Water advises 1.9 million customers in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties to limit water usage to essential needs due to increased main breaks and leaks from frigid temperatures.

WSSC Water issued anĀ updated press release Sunday night stating that it is currently addressing 52 water main breaks and leaks.

Until further notice, customers are urged to use water only as necessary, including taking shorter showers and quickly turning off faucets immediately after use; limiting toilet flushing (do not flush after every use); and limiting the use of washing machines and dishwashers.

“WSSC Water has called in additional crews and emergency contractors to search for any unreported breaks/leaks and make repairs,” WSSC said. “To maintain system pressure, WSSC Water inspectors are shutting broken/leaking mains down before repair crews are dispatched to the break in an effort to keep system pressures stable. This may result in longer than usual times for repairs and customers may experience water outages or lower pressure for more extended periods. WSSC Water thanks customers for their patience.”

Customers should call WSSC Water’s Emergency Services Center at (301) 206-4002 to report water main breaks, leaks, or chlorine smells. Reports can also be made through the WSSC Water Mobile App using the “Report a Problem” feature.

Photo: Ā© manola72 –

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