Closings, other scheduling for holiday announced

Photo from Wikimedia Commons.

Most public offices will be closed tomorrow for the Fourth of July holiday.

All county offices and libraries will be closed, as will Montgomery County schools and administrative offices. State offices and courts also will be closed.

The county’s liquor stores, however, will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

There will be no trash or recycling pick up on the holiday. The schedule for pick up will shift one day—Tuesday pickup will take place on Wednesday, Wednesday’s on Thursday, etc. The Shady Grove Processing Facility and Transfer Station also will be closed.

The Department of Recreation’s administrative offices, senior centers and recreation centers will not be open. However, the outdoor pools in Long Branch and at the Martin Luther King Jr. center will be open, though both will close at 6 p.m.

The TRiPS Commuter Store in Silver Spring will not be open, and Ride On will operate on Saturday schedule on July 4. Parking in county garages, surface lots and at curbside meters will be free.

Also, the Montgomery County Planning offices will be closed today and tomorrow.

In addition, we’ve learned that Lina’s Diner and Bar will be closed July 3 and 4, as will be Bibim and All Set Restaurant and Bar.

Finally, Denizens Brewing Co. will close in order to participate in Freedom Fest in Takoma Park.

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