Takoma Station Reopening for Live Jazz Shows Starting Tonight

Takoma Station is reopening for live jazz shows beginning tonight (May 15) and every Saturday night, according to Michael Phillips of JK Productions, who is booking the shows.

The club will operate at 25% capacity, which means attendance will be limited to 30 people, he told the Source in an email.

“Everyone must wear masks except when they’re seated with their pods,” Phillips wrote. “Walking around the club isn’t permitted unless entering, departing or using the restroom. No one can order at the bar or sit at the bar. All ordering must be done through the wait staff.”

Tonight’s show will feature the Lionel Lyles Quartet with shows at 7 and 8:30 p.m. Lyles is a saxophonist from Baltimore who studied with Branford Marsalis, among others.

Future shows will feature the Elijah Jamal Balbed Quartet on Saturday, May 22, also at 7 and 8:30 p.m.

“Elijah is a young phenom on the saxophone,” said Phillips. “He’s from D.C. but frequently plays at Smalls in New York. His band won the DC Jazzfest’s international battle of the bands (known as the “Jazzprix”) in 2020.”

Additional artists set to play at the club include DeAndrey Howard and Charles Rahmat Woods.

The schedule and tickets for the shows are available at JKproductions.org.

Takoma Station is located at 6914 4th St. N.W. in Old Takoma and serves barbecue with all the traditional sides, burgers, sandwiches, seafood, and other items.

Photo courtesy JK Productions.

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