County Seeking Applicants for Local Citizen Board Vacancies

Applications are now being accepted to fill five vacancies on the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board, according to an announcement from County Executive Marc Elrich.

The 18-member board serves as a liaison between the community and the executive’s office. Members are charged with “identifying neighborhood and business concerns and making recommendations to County officials. It advises the Silver Spring Regional Services Center Director [Reemberto Rodriguez] on area needs and priorities such as economic development, transportation, housing, education, human services, and redevelopment.”

Applicants must live within the boundaries of the Silver Spring Regional Service Center (see map below), which encompasses the area south of the Beltway, Four Corners, east to the Prince George’s County line (including Takoma Park), south to the Washington D.C. line and west to Rock Creek Park.

The county is particularly looking for applicants from the Long Branch area and from area renters.

If chosen, members serve a three-year term, are expected to attend monthly CAB meetings and to serve on a committee, which also meets once a month. The subcommittees include:

  • Commercial Economic Development Committee
  • Neighborhoods Committee, and
  • Transportation, Energy and Environment Committee.

Members are not compensated for their time, but may be reimbursed for travel or dependent care expenses. In addition, members must attend training sessions on the Maryland Open Meetings Act and basic parliamentary procedures, and may not serve on more than one county board, commission or committee at a time.

Application may be completed online and are made public as part of the confirmation process, which includes confirmation by the County Council, once nominated by the county executive. The deadline to apply for an SSCAB position is June 28.

Silver Spring photo by Mike Diegel. Map from Montgomery County website.

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